Total Miles: 391
Total Driving
Time: 7 hours and 30 minutes
Today was our
second chase day starting with a weather forecast discussion at 10:00 MDT at
our hotel in Rapid City, SD. The convective outlook was not looking as
promising as yesterday. The forecasting team wanted to head towards the area
around Pierre, SD. We stopped by Mount Rushmore to take pictures before we
started chasing. We launched a weather balloon around 1940 UTC in Kadoka, SD.
Unfortunately the balloon popped soon after it was released. Instead of going
north as originally planned, we went south in hopes of chasing some storms in
western South Dakota. We followed a storm in Murdo, SD for some time where we
saw some meteorological features such as eddies and an impressive shelf cloud.
Some lightning was associated with this storm. After this storm weakened, we
headed south to go after another cell. This storm did have some very weak
rotation, but failed to produce anything significant. After this storm we
headed towards our end location for the night in Sturgis, SD at approximately
9:45 pm MDT.